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Grants - Rex Barker Fund

Revd. Reginald John Barker (otherwise known as Rex or R.J. to the young folk of his congregation) served as a Chaplain in the First World War, as a result of which he became a strong pacifist.  

During his ministry in the Tonypandy Central Hall from 1924-1935, Rex worked very much alongside the miners and their families in the Valleys, especially when they were out of work through some of these years. He had the vision to set up a Community House in Ludlow where they developed training for women to do domestic work in various parts of the country; book binding classes; toy-making in workshops for the children to have gifts at Christmas; a tennis court in the back garden; a community garden where folk could come to sit and be refreshed; and study groups. Groups of miners and members of the Hall would come to Ludlow for camping holidays on Whitcliffe, where they would dramatise open-air plays for the local community.

Sadly the time came, years later, when the House had to be sold. It was after Rex's death that it was decided that the capital could most usefully and fittingly be used for supporting young people who were either doing courses for peace work, or working for peace either overseas or in this country.

Please contact us if you would like to apply for a grant.

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The Methodist Peace Fellowship is a network of Methodists within the Fellowship of Reconciliation (Registered Charity 207822)

Registered address: Peace House, 19 Paradise Street, Oxford, OX1 1LD

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