Image: Henry Perks - Unsplash
The following page gives links to other organisations with whom the Methodist Peace Fellowship work closely. Click on the images to visit their websites.
The Fellowship of Reconciliation
Image: TFOR Website
Fellowship of Reconciliation is a member-led movement of Christians committed to peace, justice and nonviolence. We provide education, campaign and solidarity opportunities that help more people explore their understanding of peace and take action to build a more peaceful world.
The Methodist Church
Image: Methodist Church
The Methodist Church is called to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. MPF members believe that non-violence is the way to live out that calling.
The Network of Christian Peace Organisations
Image: NCPO Website
The Network of Christian Peace Organisations (NCPO) is a broad group of organisations in the Christian peace tradition committed to furthering peace and encouraging our churches to support the peace movement.
Quaker Peace & Social Witness
Image: Quaker Website
Quaker Peace and Social Witness
promotes and undertakes action for peace and social justice in line with Quaker testimonies.
International Fellowship of Reconciliation
Image: From IFOR Website
The International Fellowship of Reconciliation has branches, groups, and affiliates in over 40 countries on all continents. Although organized on a national and regional basis, IFOR seeks to overcome the division of nation-states which are often the source of conflict and violence. Its membership includes adherents of all the major spiritual traditions as well as those who have other spiritual sources for their commitment to nonviolence.
Campaign Against Arms Trade
Image: CAAT Website
The Campaign against the Arms Trade is a UK-based organisation working to end the international arms trade.